After waiting for almost half a decade, Playstation 5 will soon be a reality and we can’t just keep calm.

According to Dexerto, an industry insider in Japan has now hinted at the price and release date for the latest Sony gaming console. Apparently, you’ll have to shell out close to $499 (£390) or ₹34,500 approximately. The console will apparently be available in November, 2020.

The estimated cost for the PS5 will put it in line roughly with the current price of an Xbox One X.

Sony further confirmed the probability of PS5 being released in the year 2020, claiming that there’ll be no console release before 2020 and that they’ll not be a part of this year’s E3 – an event where a majority of new and upcoming gaming technology is showcased.

Sony’s Mark Cerny, lead architect on the PS5, gave an interview to Wired, listing some interesting specifications about the upcoming console. One of those features is the inclusion of feature ray tracing for improved graphics and audio and a solid-state drive (SSD) to reduce loading time, drastically.

Possible features you could see in the upcoming Sony console:
1. Backwards Compatibility – Meaning you might be able to play PS2 classics, stream PS3 games and also keep your PS4 titles without wasting your money.

2. Graphic Processing Power – Leaving behind PS4, the next-gen PlayStation and Microsoft XBox, PS5 might have at least 10 teraflops of power. That’s equal to top-shelf video cards in the latest computers.

3. Hard Drive Space/Speed – With 1TB hard drive space and an SSD option alongside, there’s nothing more you can have in terms of space and speed on a single console, something that’s highly expected in the upcoming PlayStation.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming – Still a toddler in the realm of technology, VR has not been explored successfully in the previous PlayStation editions but this generation is bound to take the level of VR compatibility forward.

5. New Controller Design – The DualShock 4 is perhaps the pinnacle of controller design. It’ll be interesting to see what new features they add to the PS5 controller.

6. Blu-Ray/Disc Drive – The presence of Blu-Ray or an optical device makes it convenient for multiple uses apart from gaming.

Stay tuned folks! The beginning of a new era is closer than you think.