The latest IPL betting controversy could take a cruel twist after an Ajmer-based bookie claimed that he was in touch with two Gujarat Lions players.  

The racket, which was busted by the Kanpur police, could now see the players being questioned, Times of India reported.

b’Gujarat Lions in action during IPL 10. BCCI’

Nayan Ramesh Shah, Vikas Chauhan and Ramesh Kumar were arrested for placing bets on the close tie between Gujarat Lions and the Delhi Daredevils on May 10. They were in touch with a bookie named Bunty.

“In a WhatsApp chat recovered from Shah’s phone, he is telling Bunty he is in touch with two Lions players. After procuring his remand on Monday, we will question Shah about his proximity with these two players. If he discloses their names, police will question them,” SP (East) Anurag Arya, who is leading the probe, was quoted as saying in the report.

Bunty’s house was also raided and 25 mobile phones and three laptops were seized. However, Bunty himself had already escaped.

Feature image source: BCCI