A plumber named Prakash Ahirwar in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh has been putting up posters at various places all across town, advertising the sale of his kidney. According to him, this is the only way he will be able to afford paying Rs. 2200 in maintenance every month to his estranged wife.


According to India Today, Prakash got married in 2002, and claims that he is still head over heels in love with his wife. He says that he has spent everything he had on his wife. In the poster, Prakash wrote that his wife had studied till Class 8 when they got married. Prakash told India Today –

“I encouraged her for further studies and paid all the expenses. She did BA, a PG diploma in computer education and B.Ed after marriage, and started working in a private firm. After she started working, all of a sudden, she left me and approached court for a divorce. This was in 2015. I don’t have any money to pay her maintenance and the only way I can follow the court order is by selling my kidney.”

However, his wife filed for divorce on the grounds that he does not do anything for a living. A Vidisha court then directed Prakash to pay Rs. 2200 to her every month. Prakash also claims that he sold his ancestral land and built a two-storeyed house in Vidisha instead, which has also gone to his wife.

“The house is also in the wife’s name and now I have no place to stay as well.”

For her part, Prakash’s wife is claiming that he is resorting to underhanded tactics in order to avoid paying her maintenance.