After BJP leader Navjot Singh Sidhu resigned as a Rajya Sabha MP on July 18, speculations were rife that he might join the Aam Aadmi Party. Now, sources have confirmed the same to NDTV and it is expected that he will join the AAP on August 15, the day chosen to celebrate the Punjab politician’s “freedom from the BJP”, reported NDTV.

But as speculated, he will not be projected as AAP’s chief ministerial candidate but will lead the party’s campaign in Punjab ahead of the 2017 Assembly elections. 

b’Source: PTI’

It is expected that AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal may soon make the announcement. Along with Sidhu, his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu might join the AAP as well.

The news comes days after Sidhu broke his silence and said that he quit Rajya Sabha as BJP had asked him to stay away from Punjab.  He had also asserted that he will choose the state “hundred times” above any party or family, but had kept mum about his future plans.

Last year, Kejriwal had also hinted that his party is willing to welcome Sidhu if he wants to join.