Kamaal R Khan who was earlier embroiled in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Shivaay controversy has now landed himself in yet another trouble. This time makers of the film are in no mood to let go. They have accused controversial self proclaimed film critic for leaking few parts of the film on social media. 

Shibasish Sarkar, COO Reliance Entertainment spoke to Bollywood life on how the notorious Kamaal R Khan managed to violate cyber laws and they are set to take a legal action against him. He explains that the film releases one day prior in Dubai, and while watching the movie KRK leaked the first scene on twitter and further through his tweets revealed important details of the film.

Though KRK soon deleted the video but the damage was done. The producers have their proofs in place. They have all the screenshots of the now deleted tweets. 


In a statement released by Reliance Entertainment the producers stated: 

‘It came to our notice that Mr Khan was recording the film from inside cinema hall in Dubai and he was posting them live on his Twitter handle. This is not only a violation under Copyright Act and is also a criminal action under Cyber Laws.We have already initiated legal and criminal action against such illegal and criminal activity of Mr Khan, and also in a process of informing all social media platforms, that if any such piracy takes place on any such platforms , then they will also be liable for the repercussion,”

After learning about the issue, KRK besides clarifying himself left no chance to bad mouth Shivaay: