The heart wrenching trailer of Sarbjit, starring Randeep Hooda and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, was released recently. The film is an original story based on Sarbjit Singh’s life who was falsely convicted as a terrorist in Pakistan and put behind bars for 23 years.
The film captures the struggles of his sister, Dalbir Singh, who left no stone unturned to prove his brother’s innocence.
It’s interesting to note that, actor Salman Khan had played a huge role in real life to rescue Sarbjit Singh, but his efforts will not be featured in the film as that would have required Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, (who plays the role of Dalbir Singh) to approach the superstar who she was romantically involved with in the past.
“The Salman chapter being dropped perhaps has something to do with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan playing Dalbir. There is no other reason to not include this important part in the film. Salman and Aishwarya are not on talking terms, so it wouldn’t have been possible to even get them to face the camera together. In cases where two actors don’t want to shoot together, often these scenes are shot separately but in this case, they had to be face-to-face, so the makers decided not to include that incident in the film,” a source told DNA.
In 2012, Dalbir Singh had approached actor Salman Khan on the sets of Dabangg 2 and had urged him to help her in getting her brother released. The actor did his bit to spread the news on social media.
Here are some of the tweets he made back then :
Sign the online petition in support of Sarabjit’s release.
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) June 30, 2012
Sarabjit strayed into pakistan 3 months after the blasts n was taken in custody as manjit singh, case of mistaken identity.22yrs in jail
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 5, 2012
Sarabjit is frm bhikhwind village located on the indo pak border 2 daughters, sister. 1 daughter was abt 3 months old wen he was arrested
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 5, 2012
According to Dalbir Singh, Salman was the only actor who strongly voiced his opinion on the matter and his approach had made news internationally.
Meanwhile, the spokesperson of the film had a different story to tell on the elimination of the part which included Khan’s online campaign.
“This is not part of the film because the film has to convey and show 23 years of Dalbir’s struggle and it’s not possible to show every incident,” he said.
Here’s the trailer of Sarbjit: