After her successful and impactful year in films, as an actor and even as a producer, Alia Bhatt received the Time100 Impact Awards. The actor represented our country at the awards, and her speech was quite honest – where she talked about flaws and their impact.
During her speech she mentioned that when she started, she always wanted to be perfect, and the world to know that. But in-turn, today, if she has to set an example or be a role model, she’d like to do it in the most human way possible.
“Being yourself is truly the greatest impact that you can make. In the movies and your life, you do not have to be perfect, you just have to bring everything you have – the lows, the highs.”

While this speech was deeply relevant, Alia Bhatt also talked about the award’s impact on her and her baby. Mentioning that the baby kicked throughout the time she was delivering her speech. And well, this moment definitely remains a highlight during her speech.
“When it comes to making an impact, I hope I can continue to do so in whatever way possible. But for now, tonight, this award has genuinely made an impact on me. Me and my little one, who has relentlessly kicked me through this speech.”
The internet clearly has a lot to say – all good things.

Watch the entire speech here: