This is La Pascualita. She’s been giving people the creeps for a really, really long time.

Located in a store window in Chihuahua, Mexico, this ‘bridal mannequin’ was placed here on March 25th, 1930.

People soon realized that she bore an uncanny resemblance to the store’s owner at the time, Pascuala Esparza. According to Ripley’s, the townsfolk decided that it was the embalmed body of her daughter, who had died recently on her wedding day after being bitten by a Black Widow spider.

The mother denied these allegations, but the legend around this hyper-realistic dummy was too far gone.

Today, even skeptics have a hard time understanding how the detailing on the hands and legs are so precise. One shop worker, Sonia Burciaga, who has to change the dummy’s outfits twice a week, told Ripley’s,
“Every time I go near Pascualita my hands break out in a sweat. Her hands are very realistic and she even has varicose veins on her legs. I believe she’s a real person.”

However, even if La Pascualita was meticulously cared for and embalmed every day, it’s impossible that it would remain in such good condition for such a long time.

The climate in Mexico just wouldn’t be able to support such a delicate process, and her features would change dramatically. Yet the question about the realistic state of her hands pops up every time, and that’s something that’ll probably never be answered.

Curious? Yes. Creeped out? Fuck yes!