It’s not easy being a woman in our country, is it? 

When a crime is committed towards a woman, it always boils down to ‘ladki ne hi kuch kiya hoga’ or ‘raat ko bahar aise nikli hi kyun thi’. It’s enraging and, to put into simpler words, sad. 

When it comes to talking about these crimes, citizens, more often than not, choose to stay silent. And, those who choose to raise their voice are shut down, as if advocating for justice is a crime in itself.

These people, who dare to speak their hearts out, are often labeled as ‘fake feminists’ or are subjected to terrible comments. They face accusations claim that their activism is an overreaction or that they are just seeking attention. And, our social media feed is filled with such experiences. 

Sophie, a social media user with the username @azenithromycin, shared how she has been seeing statements like “not all men, “so your father and brother too?” and “I support all women except fake feminists” all over her timeline. 

Why do we always have to shift focus away from the culprits and blame the ones who speak against them? Why do we drag someone’s family into conversations?

Another user, who goes with the username @krownnist, revealed how some men have been claiming that “false rape cases are ruining men’s lives”. Her response to this statement is simply eye-opening – the real cases aren’t making any noise, the fake ones are not even on the table.

It’s sad how those who commit such heinous acts, mostly walk free, while those who dare to speak out are met with such mockery.

@MeetUunngLee, in a tweet, mentioned how someone abroad called India a rape capital and it left them furious at that time. Despite the frustration, the ongoing state of affairs in our country made her realize that it’s not even worth defending. 

Another user shared a painful interaction where a man dismissed the value of educating young boys about consent, stating that “it won’t make a difference, they’ll do it anyway.” Such statements are simply hurtful.

These accounts reveal a troubling and rooted pattern of hostility faced by women who speak out against rape. The ongoing negative and dismissive attitudes highlight a severe issue in how society addresses rape.