Instant messaging app WhatsApp continues to experiment and add new features to its app to make sure that its users are hooked. After it revealed new formatting update for Android last week, it has rolled out some new features for the iOS users, say reports.

b’Source: Reuters’

Not only will this new update save you significant amount of storage space but it also will give you control over what gets saved in your camera roll.

  • This new option will now allow you to decide whether you want to store incoming media such as video, audio or images from a specific group or person. 
  • You can choose the ‘Never’ option if you don’t wish to save the media and can also turn it on or off by default. Just click on the group name or chat name, and you will see an option to save incoming media, ranging from Default (OFF), Always to Never. So if you don’t want taking up space on your iPhone camera roll, this one seems like a convenient option. 
  • The second update will notify you for incoming messages while chatting allowing you to reply easily.
  • Along with this, the users will also receive missed call notifications inside the personal chats. 
  • The fourth feature will now allow users to  share PDFs from others into WhatsApp just like the Android version
b’Source: Reuters’

In case, the Android users are feeling left out, the company has also revealed that these features will be soon introduced to Android as well.