There are two kinds of people in the latest generation. Snapchat addicts and those yet to get hooked on to the app. There’s no in-between. It’s a fun-messaging app and you can spend your entire day checking Snapchat stories, mastering new filters and experimenting with video features.
One of the striking features of this photo-sharing app, which makes it immensely popular among teenagers and young adults, is its built-in self-destruct timer that allows the pictures and videos to stay only for a brief moment, before they vanish forever!
Guess what? This is soon going to change!
Snapchat is set to roll out a new feature called Memories. And as the name suggests, the feature will allow users to save their favourite pictures. This way, you can send Snaps from Memories to your friends or make a new Story from it. There’s also going to be a folder titled “My Eyes Only”, so you can scroll through the pictures without letting your friends know.
Referring to this feature as ‘A personal collection of your favourite moments’, a blog written by the company reads:
You can use Memories to create new Stories from Snaps you’ve taken, or even combine different Stories into a longer narrative.
The new feature is also going to make it super-easy for you to search for your Snap and Stories by just typing the keyword of your album name. The old Snaps will have a frame around them, to help differentiate them from the new ones.