After India skipper Virat Kohli condemned the heart-wrenching video of child abuse on his Instagram account, Indian cricketers Shikhar Dhawan and Yuvraj Singh have also reacted strongly to the video doing the rounds on social media and on Whatsapp.
The video that went viral on Saturday shows a child getting abused to learn numbers. In the horrific video, the child could also be seen begging for mercy. While the child is clearly disturbed in the video and claims to be having a headache, the women in the video, possibly the mother or the teacher, yells at the child and forces her to repeat the counting.
Yuvraj termed the behaviour of the woman in the video as disgraceful and disturbing. The left-handed batsman also wrote that “you need to give your child love and compassion to get the best out of them.”
Dhawan took to Instagram to condemn the act and wrote that it’s on of the most disturbing videos that he has come across. He also added that the woman should be held accountable for her actions and that she’s a coward for showing “dominance” over a child.