Yesterday, PM Modi addressed the nation in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and rightfully announced that the country will be going into a lockdown for 21 days.

He said a lot of things after that concerning healthy practices that should halt the spread of the virus but before he could do that, people were already out on the streets panicking and buying things in a bulk.

There were literally thousands of people on the streets buying everything from rice to meat to soap, basically everything they need to survive for the next 21 days.

Now, the notification that essential services would be open came out a bit later, by which time the streets were already crowded, like I said. Which defeats the purpose of a lockdown!
Now, I am not going to blame Modi ji for it. I have blamed him for quite a few other things but not this.

This is on the people who write his speeches.
Think he could have been more explicit in his speech about how people get their essentials despite the Lakshman rekha. I know people who absolutely adore Modi, panic and stand outside grocery shops last night! I am still assuring people in my groups that it will be sorted out.
— Smitha Murthy (@SmithaOne) March 25, 2020
don’t understand why he couldn’t just SAY IT in the goddamn speech. People are frightened right now.
— Urooj Ashfaq 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 (@uroojashfaqq) March 24, 2020
and no, SAY IT, no subtitles.
See, the long theatrical pauses and the repetition of words, before the big announcement (almost like a drumbeat), building up suspense, it’s all cool for an election campaign speech, not when you are announcing the biggest lockdown in the world.

We have about 134 crore people in the country, most of whom are not privileged, most of whom are not prepared. So it’s only natural that as soon as they heard lockdownn, they rushed out to the streets.
Also people, stop panic buying. Don’t hoard on stuff that you won’t even need. Groceries, milk and other essentials will be available. Step out only when necessary. Please.#CurfewInIndia #StayAtHomeSaveLives #coronaupdatesindia #CoronavirusLockdown #LockdownNow #Coronavirus
— Nidhi C (@nidhicacharla) March 24, 2020
People are dumb. Also Modi’s speech did instil panic and fear in people. It wasn’t clear much until we read his tweets.
— Nidhi C (@nidhicacharla) March 25, 2020
Actually, I was pretty nervous when I heard the news about Modi ji announcing something at 8 PM. That’s just PTSD. All that time he talked and he talked, he could have just said that all essential services would be available and should have given us some information about what will be open and what won’t be.
People love Modi ji. He’s won the general elections by a complete majority twice in a row. He’s got a godly status amongst most of us. People really look up to him.
Why modi ji didn’t say this one line in 8pm speech ? Fault lies with modi
— Kim jong un 2.0 👍🌍🌍 (@quarantinedKim) March 25, 2020
During Mr Modi’s speech yesterday, general public & local shops had no clue about Dos & Donts & if the supplies will be maintained during the next 3 weeks. It resulted in panic to grab & hoard supplies. We need to plan & foresee before closing down things at such short notices.
— Rakesh Arora (@RakeshA91163008) March 25, 2020