With Covid cases surging at an alarmingly exponential rate, CM Arvind Kejriwal recently announced a weekend curfew in Delhi from Friday 10 PM to Monday 5 AM. Having gone through the rigours of heavy lockdown last year, we kind of know what to expect, but here’s the lowdown.
All non-essential movement of individuals will be prohibited, and only essential services will be allowed to function through the duration of the weekend. For the rest of us, an E-Pass will be required to move around, which can be obtained here.
So delivery of food and medicine will be allowed, people going to and from the airport will be allowed, and wedding movement of up to 50 people will be allowed with an e-pass. All modes of public transport will also be running.
However, no outdoor activities like running or walks will be allowed. Interstate movement in a personal vehicle will not be permitted and all restaurants, malls, gyms and spas will be shut.
Restaurants will only be allowed to conduct home delivery of food. People can also go to obtain medical services, such as Covid tests.
All of this begs the question – what about alcohol? Since liquor stores fall under the bracket of non-essential shops, that means they will be closed for the weekend.
Wine shops will also shut at 9 PM today – an hour early – in view of the curfew. They will open back up and be functioning normally from Monday.
Further curbs have also been announced by the Delhi government until April 30. While individual movement, liquor stores and non-essential shops are expected to open back up by Monday, restaurants and the like will remain closed.