Time and again, the Delhi police has faced flak for the way they handle protests and treat agitating students. A similar approach by Delhi cops was evident on a crackdown on students recently, who were protesting against the RSS and the BJP, in response to the suicide of Rohith Vemula in Hyderabad.

According to a report by The Indian Express, the students were protesting outside the RSS headquarters in Delhi, when the policemen, along with people in civilian clothes, beat up students. A video of the incident was recorded by one of the protesters.


The DCP told PTI that “no protesters were detained and no force had to be used at all”. However, the video clearly shows policemen not only beating up students, but also dragging female students by their hair. 

The report says the police said they will “probe the attackers in civilian clothing”. Commissioner BS Bassi said while he hasn’t seen the video, he will “look into the matter”. He said he will “analyse the video” and “talk to the witnesses” about the incident.

The rampage against students did not spare even the journalists, as a photo-journalist alleged that his camera was smashed by the cops in the crackdown. He posted pictures from the incident on Facebook.