In an unfortunate incident, Rekha Lodhi, a 30-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh’s Philibeet, burnt her face after she was repeatedly mocked by her husband for being ‘too pretty’, reported The Times Of India.

According to the report, her husband Nirmal Kumar used to constantly get angry with her as she attracted unwanted attention of his friends and relatives and impressed them with her charm. 

b’Source: Twitter’

The husband, who suffered from an inferiority complex, had also allegedly been torturing the woman and often confined her inside their house and instructed her to not talk to outsiders, according to an India Today report.

She got more upset when even her father-in-law, whom she respected as father, started provoking Nirmal against her. After being fed up of her husband’s incessant taunts and insecure behaviour, she decided to put an end to all this by taking the extreme step of burning her face. 

According to the doctors, Rekha who has sustained 20 to 25 per cent burns, is now out of danger but has been disfigured for life. Even after this whole ordeal, Rekha has refused to press any charges against her husband, but her mother wants him brought to justice for the “mental torture” he inflicted on her. 

(Feature Image Source: Twitter/TOI)