Javed Akhtar has never been one to mince his words. Earlier last year, a video of him in interaction with anchor Anjana Om Kashyap, Akhtar had wittily criticised the voices of people getting muted in India among other things.


Recently Akhtar appeared on TV news channel Aaj Tak where he was questioned by the anchor Chitra Tripathi. 

Hindustan Times

She asked: 

Why are the Indian Muslims scared? Who are the people who are trying to gain politically from the CAA-NRC protests?

Now, Javed Akhtar, who has time and again spoken his mind, did not hesitate from accusing Tripathi of asking biased questions. He told her that being a news anchor, she must stay neutral and mind her words that he claimed showed her bias. 

You can see their interaction here: 

This has been getting some serious responses from Twitter. I mean, that was a pretty cold burn. 

Javed Akhtar was there to talk about the Citizenship Amendment Act and the protests against it.