Watching Indian daily soaps is like venturing into darkness; you don’t know what’s gonna come your way. While the thrill of the unknown still has its unique flavour, it’s not the case with desi serials. You see, they reside beyond the realms of logic and common sense.
Especially when it comes to women, desi daily soaps have a trajectory of projecting women as the ‘dumbest’ beings on the planet. And I’m not even exaggerating. Most times, it’s not even done for (unfunny) comic relief; it’s just who the character is. The curious case of ‘Gopi Bahu’ is the primary testament to this. But today, we have another similar example from the same infamous franchise.

We have, not Gopi, but Gehna Bahu this time, pouring 99% effective phenyl to kill the virus on her beloved husband’s computer. A clip of this old ridiculous scene has resurfaced online. It has people in splits all over again. And it’s no surprise cos how do we ever move on from this?
Here’s the sequence of events for those of you who still wanna make an effort to find sense:
Gehna Bahu eavesdrops on her husband, probably talking to someone from his office’s IT team. He tells them his laptop ain’t functioning properly because it has some virus.

What next? Gehna Bahu to the rescue! With a tinge of pride on her face, she opens the bottle of phenyl and pours it onto the laptop.

Horrified, her husband jumps and enquires about whatever TF she’s doing. And she’s like, “ye 99% virus ka khatma kar deta hai.”
And he’s like, “BEVAKOOF HO?”

Take a look at the viral reel shared by @sarcasticgyaan_ on Instagram.
Naturally, people are wondering about whatever unresolved issues Saath Nibhaana Saathiya has against laptops.

BTW, here’s another one: Man “Accidentally” Tucks In A Woman’s Saree In This New Clip From An Indian Daily Soap And…What?