Out of all the places in the world where this prankster could’ve used his googly eyes, he chose a Gandhi statue, which of course called for unwanted attention. 

There are pranks, then there are people pranking statues in the middle of nowhere. 
That’s what exactly happened in San Francisco. According to a Reddit thread, someone vandalized Mahatma Gandhi’s statue before adding googly eyes to it. 

Bored Panda

Sculpted by Zlatko Pounov and Steven Lowe as a gift from the Gandhi Memorial International, the statue is located northeast of the San Francisco Ferry building. 

SF Gate

Usually people used to steal the glasses, draw objectionable symbols but this time someone went a step ahead. 

Nothing was taken away but instead put on the statue. A man can be seen putting glow bright red eyes to replace the originals to make the statue glow at night, reports the Bored Panda.  

Here have a look. 

Bored Panda

Certainly, the culprit came with a creative intent, this time around. 


Even though the red eyes do make a nice impression over the bronze statue, so far no one has been questioned or been pulled up for incident.