India is known for lavish feasts and pomp and show, be it weddings or death rituals. And more often most of it goes to waste.

And while we keep talking about mending our ways, eight panchayats in Mathura have already banned dowry, consumption of liquor and lavish feasts in post-death rituals.


According to a report by India Today, this initiative has been taken to get rid of evil social practices and save villagers from unnecessary financial burden.

The Daily Beast

Talking to TOI, Chaudhary Govind Singh, Chairman of the Land Development Bank said:

“Our efforts are to stop these wrong practices and make people aware of the reality. For example, dowry is nothing more than a bribe to the groom’s family. The priority should be to educate the girl and make her independent, instead of wasting money by spending lavishly on her wedding.”
One India

A 5-member committee will be formed in every village to educate people about these evil practices and to streamline the implementation of the ban.

It’s just great to see these kind of initiatives coming from the villages of India and may we all take a cue from this step.