One of our best memories of childhood always include train rides. There were stations that would stick in our memory because of the weird sound the name had to it. But now, with no other meaning than what it stands for, the Indian railways has named a station Happiness.
To ease your mind, and inspired by Bhutan’s happiness index, Patna now has India’s first Happiness station.
The initiative does show a lot of promise. According to a report, the stop will have a recreational area, kids zone, a book cafe, newspaper stalls, and several other amenities that passengers can make use of, as they wait for their train.
The concept is to promote utilising the idle hours one spends while waiting for a train. The facility is trying to cater to all age groups. Sonpur junction, as it was called, will now be one-of-a-kind in India.
While promoting maximum utilisation of time, the place will also try to help the needy. There are talks about a charity section where people can quietly come and submit what they don’t need. To be called the ‘GoodWill’ wall, it’s the place, people can leave books, clothes, toiletries and other things for the less fortunate.
Happiness Junction indeed!
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