As Maharashtra struggles with drought and is attempting various measures to improve the situation, 10,000 litres of water were reportedly wasted on Friday just to make a temporary helipad for a minister at Belkund village in Latur district, the worst-hit region.
Ironically, the helipad was made so that relief and rehabilitation minister Eknath Khadse could review the drought situation in the area, as well as receive the third water train arriving at Latur from Miraj.
Over the past week, three water trains have arrived in the city, carrying a combined 15 lakh litres of water to provide relief to the parched region.
While Marathwada battles its worst drought ever, it’s criminal to waste even a drop of water, leave aside a humongous 10,000 litres, that too for a makeshift helipad. The situation is even more appalling as the Latur airport is just 40 minutes away from Belkund by road.
When asked about this “wastage”, Khadse said that it wasn’t true that 10,000 litres of water had been used.
“The amount of water required for the helicopter to land safely was only used,” he said in a press statement.
Opposition NCP termed the use of water as “arrogance” of power” by the BJP-led government.
“The minister could have landed at Latur where there is a proper airport and then driven to the village in a few minutes. But Khadse wanted to insult people in the drought- affected area who are struggling for a single drop of water,” NCP spokesperson Nawab Malik told PTI.
(Feature image source: PTI)
(With inputs from PTI)