The BJP, currently under fire for its handling of the JNU row, is launching a three-day ‘Jan Swabhimaan Abhiyan’ (campaign for peoples’ self-pride) starting Thursday. In this, party leaders and workers will try to build up public opinion against the alleged anti-national activities in the central varsity and in support of action against people involved in it.
They believe that there is no reason for the party to be “defensive” about the development and there is support for its stand on the issue among the masses.
As part of its attempt to bring focus on the issue of nationalism, party leaders said the recent sacrifices made by soldiers in Siachen will also be highlighted across the country.
“The idea is to highlight the party’s stand on the issue very aggressively from Parliament to the streets. We have a strong and consistent stand on what has happened in JNU and there is no reason for the party leaders to be defensive about the development,” sources said.
“BJP stands for unity, integrity and development of the country. It faces challenge from separatism that is being promoted in name of freedom of expression. We want to alert people about this threat,” a BJP functionary told Hindustan Times.
“It could be a street play, seminar, playing of nationalist songs at public places, meeting or anything. The aim is to highlight the cause of nationalism,” the party leader told the paper.
The party has also decided to strongly put forth its stand on JNU incident during the upcoming Parliament session to counter opposition onslaught by firing up a debate over its core theme of nationalism.
With PTI inputs