There’s a lot of talk about the kind of content TV news channels in India put out. They’ve been aptly described as having a ‘seizure inducing amount of information on the screen at once‘, and feeling like ‘playing slot machines in a Mumbai casino while high on peyote‘. But let’s not neglect our prestigious newspapers, after all, there’s some kinds of news that can only elicit one response – “Yup, that’s India.”
Even our trains are fashionably late in India.
Remember the most awkward hug you ever had? Multiply that by 75.
Guess who’s back? Back again. Santy’s back. Tell a friend.
But now he can’t even tell her he loves her!
This headline’s giving me the chills.
What an absolute legend!
Unwanted primate pregnancies? NOT UP IN HERE!
There’s such a thing as trying too hard, guys.
Ayy lmao, I totally got you bro!
You do the crime, you do the time! – Bakra Police Department
*Slaps editor*
This serpentine situation…
…and its unfortunate end.
Green, mean and obscene!
It’s just parental supervision is all.
Only in India!