Recently, a woman at a restaurant in Sohna road achieved notoriety, after she berated a person named Shivani Gupta for wearing a short dress. She called on seven men to rape her because she felt she deserved it for wearing a short dress.
There’s been widespread criticism of this middle-aged woman’s behaviour, to such an extent that the hashtag #AuntyJiApologise has started trending.
This is aunty.
— Gazal kaur (@deep_gazal) May 1, 2019
Aunty wants women in short dresses to be raped by men.
Aunty is the prime example of whats wrong with society.
Dont be like aunty.
@sunkissedshitzu sister we are with you.#auntyjiapologise
And now its becoming unbearable.#auntyjiapologise
— Aparna (@Mystique_appu) May 1, 2019
— Meet patel (@patelmeet5413) May 1, 2019
With You @raftaarmusic #sunkissedshitzu
India Needs To Stop This Old Mentality
Its Thier Right What They Want to Do Or WEAR.
To summarise what the post above is about, it is about a female who believes that girls who wear short dresses should be raped, or they wear it to get raped or they wear short dresses and rape. It’s sad to see there are such women in this world. #auntyjiapologise #carryminati
— Amit (@amitkyadav22) May 1, 2019
Cannot belive this is still happening. Sad sad situation. #auntyjiapologise
— shimmer ✨ (@ShimthiSingh) May 1, 2019
IGTV also took down the video. Insta user Jiyasharma12 had a few examples from her own life to add to the situation.
We are awaiting further updates on the story.