We all have to face death once in our lives. But there are those who see it daily. 

For morticians and morgue workers, death is an ordinary affair, however, once in a while things can get a little unsettling for them too. From speaking corpses to the ones that sit upright on their deathbeds, they deal with creepy stuff every day.

I used to work in tissue recovery. Once we had a donor who was very freshly deceased. I held his hand to shave his arm, and his fingers curled around my hand as rigor mortis set in.


My ex-father in law is an owner, embalmer and funeral director. He told me a body sat straight fucking up on the table one time.


My mom works as a cook in the basement of a hospital (about 20 feet from the morgue). She was in the hallway getting a roller cart and a doctor was bringing down a dead patient. they go past my mom and the dead guys arm goes straight in the air. Doctor casually says “just a cramp”.


A drowned guy was once locked up in the cabinet a tapping noise started coming from him..it was a crab that had made itself at home inside him and when it got cold he wanted out.


We picked up a suicide on a major holiday Thanksgiving or Christmas I can’t remember. Took her back to the funeral home. Undressed her and had to wait for Medical examiner. Family decides to cremate. We had dressed her for a viewing, everything was normal. Later that day she was ready to be cremated, I put her in started the machine and went back inside. I had to embalm someone else. About an hour in I heard like five loud pops. First thought was a pace maker, brain stimulator, something I had missed. I let it finish swept it into the tray. And a fucking small hand gun came out. Now I had seen all of her… Seriously where did she have that at? The only spot is inside her vagina. The question is why. It’s been 10 plus years and I’m still WTF.


I’m a mortician for the Army. While working in the Richmond morgue I saw a guy fresh in who was in a logging accident, tree completely crushed him. What made it so creepy was how far the skin could stretch. His face stretched with his splatted skull, making it seem like Looney Tunes.

– u/k8teee

Was a part time funeral director’s assistant. Funniest thing would have to have been a very elderly woman with a glass eye who chose to have it kept wide open. Gave me a hell of a fright when I saw her in her casket.


My dad is a mortician. Apparently this elderly gentlemen passed away while having a bath… with the water still running, He was living alone in the house with very little family. I don’t remember how long he was in the bath before before someone found him. My dad goes to pick up the body and it’s human soup. The hot water constantly running and the amount of time cause his body to turn to mush.


My grandfather was a funeral director and my dad worked there as a kid. He said it wasn’t uncommon for a body to exhale suddenly, sometimes with some vocalization.


On a pathology rotation at the county medical examiner’s office in medical school. This included some site visits. We got called to a house that had been reported to have a horrible smell coming from inside. Cops had found the owner who had died three weeks prior, in the middle of summer. This person was a hoarder, house was FULL of old cans of cat food, newspapers going back decades, and VHS porn tapes.


I’m the admin assistant at a small funeral home in a smallish city. Not much really goes on. The other day I swore I heard someone cough in the back office while I was supposed to be alone in the building. The creepiest stuff to me is when we get gruesome deaths. I never thought I’d have to see bodies in the state that I’ve seen some bodies.


One of the creepiest for me was having to clean a gentleman up…I was supposed to clean his eyes, as well. Opened those up only to see two empty sockets. No eyes. Was an autopsy embalming.


Design Credits: Nupur Agrawal