We know people aren’t perfect, but certain people do come close, especially on camera. Even though we know they’re not real, we’ve all fallen in a strange kind of love with certain women in movies and TV shows. Maybe it’s the quirks of someone like Zooey Deschanel, or the straight up gangsta swag of Sharon Stone, but I just know the world would be a way more interesting place if these characters actually existed.

Check out the women from fiction who we wish existed in real life!

1. Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill

Uma Thurman’s role was so badass. She’d be a good sensei, especially if you want to learn to escape a closed coffin.

Source – salon

2. Lara Croft from Tomb Raider

She knows the craziest locations in the world plus her accent is divine. She’d show you the world and also double up as a bodyguard!

Source – adanai

3. Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Not much to say. She’s basically the perfect woman.

Source – fashionforteens

4. Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Voiced by Kathleen Turner, it felt weird finding a cartoon character sexy, but it was pretty fascinating at the same time.

Source – finalfashion

5. Vianne Rocher from Chocolat

Watching her swirl her magic into that delectable chocolate bowl was enough to make my mouth water. Real life never tasted so good.

Source – pinimg

6. Catherine Tramell from Basic Instinct

Apart from being incredibly poised, she’s also an author with a penchant for danger. So she’s smart and has the perfect smoulder – Win combo.

Source – satuharapan

7. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games

There’s a flock of these amazing actresses coming out of the woodwork and it’s a nice pipe dream to have them all around! Hello Jennifer Lawrence!

Source – salon

8. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

She’s good with a wand and easy on the eyes. I don’t even care about how she looks, hermione can do magic!

Source – latimesblog

9. Amelie Poilain from Amelie

The most likeable, charming and strange being I’ve seen on the screen. Look at the mischief in those pupils!

Source – unifrance

10. Jess Day from New Girl

Eccentric and irresistibly lovable, Jess would be a ball to have around.

Source – fashionstyle

11. Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

She always has the coolest air and she can do ninja stuff. Ramona Flowers is the stuff of legends.

Source – guerillasemiotics

12. Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones

Daenerys Targaryen, Khaleesi, whatever you want to call her, all I know is she knows dragons and can stand in fire. A pretty good skill to have in a friend.

Source – qiibo

13. Juno Macguff from Juno

Button nosed Juno has an inner strength and fire which would really help people in need, like me while studying for an exam.

Source – smashingtops

14. Molly Jensen from Ghost

Demi Moore was always sexy, but she showed a different side of herself in this movie.

Source – bpblog

15. Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation

Apart from being impossibly funny, Leslie Knope is also a highly functional and would do some real good for society and have them in splits while she did it!

Source – bpblogspot

16. Mary Lou from On The Road

Understated in the books but always a character you though had more gall than most, Mary Lou defied conventions, especially in those times.

Source – kstewartnews

17. Wonder Woman

Every little boy’s dream, which is incidentally also every grown up guy’s dream. Lasso of truth for the the win!

Source – cinemablend

18. Gwen Stacy from Spiderman

She’s the sweetest person anyone could have around, and this way she wouldn’t have to fall a 100 feet to her doom. Splat!

Source – fashionstyle

19. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte’s book

I’d want her around in real life just so she could get some closure about how forward the status of women in society has come.

Source – huffingtonpost

20. Lady Galadriel from The Lord of the Rings

She supposedly surpassed everyone else in beauty, knowledge and power. That’s reason enough for me! She also gives Frodo some delicious looking food which I’d love to try.

Source – sptdigital

21. Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction

She’s got the two-step down and she can handle her high, at least unless she’s mistaking heroin for cocaine. Let’s get swinging!

Source – modices

22. Eliza Doolittle from Pygmalion

The original ‘Pretty Woman’, Eliza would be more of a social experiment in real life. I’m pretty sure she’d excel.

Source – jeffberryman

23. Mystique from X-Men

She can turn into ANYONE, so draw your own conclusions.

Source – latimcomplex

24. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice

Lizzy is so much fun in the books, I can only assume how free-spirited and easy going she’d be in real life.

Source – quirkbooks

25. Marla Singer from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club

Badass, dysfunctional and utterly imperfect. Which is a perfect way to balance out the world and come to terms with it’s ‘ugly’ side.

Source – wallpaperup

If wishes were real! 🙁