What do you do for your friends? Be there in time of need, keep their secrets, save their ass at home?
Well, the standards have been dramatically raised now as a group of employees at Hackerloop (who call themselves ‘tinkerers’), built and attached a prosthetic nerf gun to their friend’s arm bone after he lost his hand.

Why, you ask? Because nerf battles are important and so is fair participation.
Disappointed by the fact that he wasn’t able to participate in the nerf battles as well as them because of a missing arm, these guys decided to attach the gun to it, reports Medium.
This gun fires automatically in a Terminator-esque manner whenever the guy flexes his forearm and this might just be the coolest thing anyone has done for anyone.

A lot of work went into making this crazy attached-to-the-body nerf gun. The engineers used a combination of custom 3D-printed parts, Arduino-like electronics, a couple of electromyography sensors so that muscle movements of the guy could be detected. After this, a pair of Nerf Swarmfire blasters were put inside for building the prosthetic.

Everything people at Hackerloop do, is according to the company’s motto: What Could Go Wrong?
That seems like a legitimately good motto considering if things go right, you stand a good chance of winning games for the rest of your life.
Here’s the video which shows how this prosthetic nerf gun works.
When your friends turn you into a real life Terminator, you know they are keepers for life.
Image credits: Medium.