Experts from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had to step in and issue an advisory when a man choked on momos and died.

The news went viral on social media platforms.
Don’t swallow momos warns AIIMS after a fifty year old man lost his life due to 🥟🥟 choking.#dangerousfood #momos
— Rahul Bajpai (@Rahul_Baj) June 14, 2022
Momo lovers please take note.
— Chetan Bhutani (@BhutaniChetan) June 14, 2022
#AIIMS has reported a case where a person lost his life suddenly due to chocking of #dumpling (momos).AIIMS experts said- #momos have a slippery soft surface which can cause choking & fatality if swallowed without properly chewing. My news report
— Priyanka Sharma (@journo_priyanka) June 6, 2022
Experts at the AIIMS in Delhi have issued a 'swallow with care' warning for momos after it found that a man choked to death while eating momos in Delhi.@aiims_newdelhi
— kiran kindo (@kiran_kindo) June 14, 2022
#AIIMS experts said momos have a slippery surface which can cause choking and even death.
— Akshaya (@AkshayaWrites) June 14, 2022
Experts at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi issued a ‘swallow with care’ warning after reporting a rare case of a man dying from choking on a dumpling.#food