Time and again Pankaj Tripathi has proved that he is an actor worth a million bucks. Again, with Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, his portrayal of Lt. Col. (Rtd.) Ajay Saxena – Gunjan Saxena’s father showcased how effortlessly flawless he is with his art.
Twitter lauded the actor for his convincing portrayal of the progressive father and his overall acting. We’re all for it.
I love @TripathiiPankaj so much as an actor. His character and performance ❤️❤️❤️ in #GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl. I want to interview #PankajTripathi so much. Please someone make it happen for me 😭😭
— Anuj Radia (@TheAnujRadia) August 10, 2020
@TripathiiPankaj sir, completed 45mins of #GunjanSaxena and i can tell no one in this generation matches you’re screen presence sir ,you’re acting as a father is too good#GunjanSaxena #GunjanSaxenaOnNetflix
— sampath (@sampathganesh11) August 12, 2020
The only actor who shines in ‘Gunjan Saxena’ showing on @netflix is Pankaj Tripathi (not that he has not proved his brilliance earlier) who essays the role of Gunjan’s father. Always a delight to watch him!
— Bharti Jain (@bhartijainTOI) August 14, 2020
#JanhviKapoor @TripathiiPankaj Give Excellent Performances In The Unmissable Gunjan Saxena.
— Puja Talwar (@talwar_puja) August 10, 2020
A young girl who chased her dream, valiantly stood against the odds, to take wings and fly high.The first woman officer in combat zone, Gunjan Saxena’s inspirational story unfolds in. pic.twitter.com/EnOJVkhECn
Pankaj Tripathi is the best thing that has happened to Hindi film industry. @TripathiiPankaj #GunjanSaxena
— Amanamanamanamanaha (@AmanSanghvi14) August 12, 2020
The only good in Gunjan Saxena : the Kargil girl is Pankaj Tripathi ❤️
— Ajinkya Barhate (@comrade_filius) August 12, 2020
Amazing movie #GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl
— Deeksha Bansal (@DeekshaBansal18) August 12, 2020
Phenomenal acting by @TripathiiPankaj Sir. You are a legend sir.Nobody can do the justice to the role the way u do.🙂 A big fan of urs.Also good team work by @Imangadbedi #JhanviKapoor
and others.Finally #jhanvikapoor is proving herself
Gunjan’s dad had such progressive thoughts in that time.. hats off.. such subtle potrayal of resilience by pankaj.. amazing dad-daughter bond.. #GunjanSaxenaOnNetflix
— Anu 🙂 (@marwadichorri) August 12, 2020
Pankaj Tripathi’s character in Gunjan Saxena is the kinda dad we all wish we had! Very rare!
— Inglorious Birdman (@AnchanAbhi) August 13, 2020
Lovely film!
@TripathiiPankaj you are simply amazing! Blessing to the film industry! ❤️#GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl
— Anu 🙂 (@marwadichorri) August 12, 2020
Just started the movie and @TripathiiPankaj sir’s entry is such an amazing scene. I know my reasons for watching this. #GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl @NetflixIndia
— Bus Changa (@BusChanga) August 12, 2020
This movie is worth watching, only and only for @TripathiiPankaj #GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl #PankajTripathi
— mayur kunder (@mayurvkunder) August 12, 2020
no one has a more calming voice than pankaj tripathi in the entirety of bollywood
— r (@prabharit) August 12, 2020
Such powerful performance by @TripathiiPankaj ! #GunjanSaxenaOnNetflix
— Anupam Joshi (@not_anupamjoshi) August 12, 2020
Pankaj Tripathi is the best cinematic father of our generation 💙
— Dipasha (@meannotfunny) August 13, 2020
We need more of Pankaj Tripathi roles and definitely many more fathers like Anup Saxena. Completely mind blown by this man’s performance!❤️#PankajTripathi #GunjanSaxenaTheKargilGirl pic.twitter.com/cFe0h3J4MO
— Ruchii (@RuchiBhattar) August 12, 2020
What a performance by u sir, love u sir.#PankajTripathi
— Krupal (@Krupal1497) August 12, 2020
Has Pankaj Tripathi been declared a national treasure yet? Nahi, to kar do.
— Sayantan Ghosh (@sayantansunnyg) August 13, 2020
Pankaj Tripathi is a gift to the Indian film industry that we’re all thankful for.