The upcoming episode of Koffee With Karan will feature two of India’s favourite Bollywood men, Vicky Kaushal and Sidharth Malhotra, who will be talking about wedding manifestations – old and new, their thirst pics on social media and just how Punjabi both of them are.
In the promo for the episode, Karan Johar is seen asking Vicky if he misses being single, and his answer won him a lot of brownie points for sure.
Meanwhile, he also revealed what was Katrina’s reaction to one of his shirtless pictures.
Moving over to Sidharth, Karan can be seen nudging him over Kiara Advani as the two are rumoured to be dating.
Sidharth, though, seems unwilling to accept the relationship in the promo. This looks like a lot of fun, and we can’t wait for the episode to be out. You can watch the promo here.