There’s never been doubt about the powerhouse actor that is Annu Kapoor. Returning to the big screen after a hiatus in Shoojit Sircar’s Vicky Donor, Kapoor won over his audience with his portrayal of Dr Chaddha. And then there was the whole episode the actor and Kunal Kohli on the sets of a reality show where he famously said the 4 magic words – Iske upar nahi bolneka!
However, time has passed, the video became viral, people memed him and there has been plenty of water under the bridge. Kapoor is now making a comeback of sorts in this short film Mumbai Mist where he is struggling with the abundance of time in his old age. He finds respite in an unlikely companion for some time, until he goes missing.
The short is directed by Madhur Bhandarkar, and if the trailer is anything to go by the final product should be interesting.
Mumbai Mist has been made under the BRICS collaboration project, where filmmakers from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa come together to tell a story from their country.