Actor Ranveer Singh has teamed up with director Rohit Shetty for an advertisement and the young star says he always dreamed to collaborate with the Dilwale helmer. 

The 31-year old actor and Rohit have worked on the ad film of noodle brand, Ching’s noodles. Titled Ranveer Ching Returns, it sees the Bajirao Mastani star in double roles- a young guy and his mother.

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“I wanted to play the role of a mother. Thanks to Rohit for giving me this part. It was my dream to be directed by Rohit,” Ranveer told reporters at the launch of the advertisement.

He expressed his love for the director on social media too:

In the ad film, Ranveer is seen cooking food and in real life too, he cooks. Actress Tamannah also features in the ad. The ‘Baahubali’ star was elated to collaborate with the duo for the first time. Ranveer earlier did a music video for the brand, titled My Name Is Ranveer Ching, which became a hit for its quirkiness and the song.

Watch the video: