The trailer for Rajkummar Rao and Mouni Roy starrer comedy, Made In China, released and it aims at finding ‘India ka jugaad‘ i.e. solution to sex problems.
The film stars Rajkummar Rao as a budding entrepreneur, who after continuous failures, finally cracks the right product – a ‘Tiger penis soup’ that helps men with sexual performance.
Mouni Roy stars as his wife, and Paresh Rawal plays the role of his ‘business guru’.
Boman Irani stars as a sexologist who partners with Rao to help sell his product. Their successful partnership soon brings both, profits and problems.
The film also stars actors Sumeet Vyas and Gajraj Rao.
Though we got the most excited by watching Taka from Queen aka Jeffrey Ho return to the Hindi film scene.
While there is no denying the impressive cast, the story looks like a jugaad that has an equal potential to sink or swim.
You can watch the trailer here:
The film’s release date has not yet been shared. All images are screenshots from the trailer unless specified otherwise.
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