Preity Zinta married her long time partner, Gene Goodenough earlier this year. While the wedding reception was held in Mumbai, the actual ceremonies including the mehendi & saat-pheras happened in California. The pictures from the happiest day of Preity’s life have long been awaited by her fans. And finally, those pictures are out for everyone to see! 

Have a look: 

Her face glows with happiness in this picture.



Preity & Gene look picture perfect. 


What a royal-looking couple!


Bollywood has rubbed off on Gene as well!

The couple looked gorgeous during the mehendi ceremony.

Beautiful pic with husband Gene 💓💞💟 #preityzinta #bollywood #queen

A photo posted by BOLLYWOOD’S DIMPLE COUPLE (@shahrukhpreityfanclub) on

Such a pretty picture, this one.

Another one from the mehendi ceremony.

Just beautiful!