At a recent event in Delhi, Kangana Ranaut couldn’t avoid questions about her ongoing legal tussle with Hrithik Roshan. While she still didn’t address anything directly, it was a lot more than she has said recently about their very public feud, as per a report in The Times of India.

On the legal system

“Well, I have to believe in it. What can you do when you are slapped a notice? For all you know, they can take you to jail!”


On why people approach lawyers to resolve differences in a relationship

“I can’t give advice to brides, I don’t want to get into trouble here. Today, women are independent and need someone who can treat them nicely – they seek a partner in every sense. But – I still don’t understand the legality of the whole process – when it doesn’t work, why do people go to lawyers? That’s a bit unfair, because everything is changing and you can grow out of a relationship.”

When asked to pick a person who would ask the last question, she refused, saying, “I have a knack for choosing the wrong people. No no, you do it.”

On how should one propose to her

“If a person wants to propose to me, well, good, at least they won’t be sending me notices anymore. I want to clarify this. Send flowers with Ghalib ki shayari. I will consider.”

H/T: The Times of India