Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, whose film Madaari is slated to clash with Rajinikanth’s Kabali at the box office, says there is no competition between him and the southern superstar and that he will have to take another birth to compete with him.
Irrfan’s film Madaari is all set to release on July 22, the day when Rajinikanth’s much-awaited Kabali hits the screens.
When asked about the clash, Irrfan said, “It is not a clash, he is a big man, a big actor who is known across the globe. I can’t be his equal. My film is coming with his, which is my good fortune. We will be happy if our film earns a little bit more money than what we have invested… I respect him a lot as a person. I need to take another birth to compete with him.”
The 49-year-old actor was speaking at the special screening of Madaari held exclusively for children.