After a controversial stint as the Chairman of Film and Television Institute of India, the country’s premier film school, Gajendra Chauhan’s tenure ends on Friday. Chauhan who was given the charge in 2015 served for only one year and seven months as against the usual norm of three years. But his tenure was mired in controversies and protests:
Here is a brief timeline of the events that unfolded since his appointment:
- Chauhan was appointed as the Chairman of FTII in June 2015. His appointed sparked protests across all platforms from various quarters. From FTII students to political leaders and luminaries from cinema, everyone demanded his removal. While many questioned his capability to lead an institution like FTII, there were others who had reservations with his right-wing affiliations.
- To protest against Chauhan’s appointment, FTII students started protests inside the campus. Many also went on a hunger strike. The protests which went on for 139 days was only called off after the government assured the students that their demands will be met.
- Meanwhile, Chauhan, who is best known for his role for playing ‘Yudhishtir’ in BR Chopra’s legendary TV serial Mahabharata remained unaffected with all the controversy. Despite all the criticism against him, he remained adamant and refused to quit from his post.
- In January 2016, he came to the FTII campus for the first time after his appointment which sparked fresh protests. Around 30-40 students were detained, reports Indian Express.
- In June 2016, he went to Nagpur to meet RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat whom he referred to as his ‘father figure’.
- He also introduced several initiatives under his tenure such as ‘Choice-Based Credit System’ instead of the traditional system of annual assessment as well as short courses on film-making across the country.
- During the debate on having Pakistani artists in Bollywood films which was centred around Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Chauhan said that they should be banned. “India does not need talent from outside. Not just actors, but even cricket commentators from Pakistan should not be allowed here. One never knows what sensitive information they take away from here, along with the money that goes out of the country with them,” he had then told Economic Times.
- In February 2017, he also echoed Censor Board’s sentiment which refused to certify Malayalam film Ka Bodyscapes on gay relationships. “I would like to appreciate Censor Board and revising committee that they stopped the film from showing. I got to know that Lord Hanuman has been shown in a derogatory manner. I object,” Chauhan told ANI. However, on the other hand, he said that ‘rejection clause’ by CBFC should be scrapped when it refused to certify Lipstick Under My Burkha.
- In recent interview with Hindustan Times, Chauhan said his is fully satisfied with his tenure and advised students not to indulge in politics.
(With inputs from PTI)
(Feature image source: PTI)
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