A video of Ravi Kishan with the song Mera Dhola Ni Aaya Dhola playing in the background has gone viral on social media. The meme is catching on like wildfire and has left quite a few people confused. Well, if you’re wondering what it is actually about – it started with a simple song dubbed onto a video of Ravi Kishan in a South Indian film, made by Chutkula Singh.
Person who created the dola ni aya dola Ravi Kishan meme is my soul mate. pic.twitter.com/haYdRafniQ
— tanmay paradkar (@tanny_p) November 2, 2021
Ravi Kishan’s Dola Ni Aaya Dola, Meme is the most intellectual meme I have ever seen.
— Sunderdeep – Volklub (@volklub) November 2, 2021
This meme became such a huge hit that people started spamming Ravi Kishan’s Instagram comments section with this line.
And someone even said this to him during an event:
Ravi Kishan Mera dola ni aaya dola#MEMES pic.twitter.com/irZcE7X566
— Prateek Lalwani | प्रतीक लालवानी (@prateeklalwani_) November 2, 2021
You never really know what can go viral, and this video is a fine example of the bizarre things that social media loves.