The trailer for Captain Marvel — the MCU’s first standalone female superhero film released this week. And fans world over were gasping for air over the awesomeness!
It felt empowering and got both male and female fans super stoked. Amidst all this excitement, however, some fastidious fragile male egos were hurt — branding her appearance as “wooden”. To make things worse, several men made a (not sexist at all) suggestion that she should “smile more”.
One of these ‘well-meaning’ men even went the extra mile and photoshopped smiles into Brie Larson’s stills from the trailer.
I fixed #CaptainMarvel! Thanks @faceapp_ai.@DiversityAndCmx @TheQuartering @OneAngryGamerHD
— Turd Flinging Monkey (@TFMonkeyYouTube) September 18, 2018
Not one to take sexist micro-aggressions lying down, Larson responded in the most ‘marvellous’ way. In a direct retort to the misogynistic Tweet, she posted stills of male MCU superheroes with smiles photoshopped onto their serious faces in her Instagram story.
.@brielarson put these pics on Instagram story. Legend #CaptainMarvel
— Geeks of Color (@GeeksOfColor) September 20, 2018
And our hands are about to get calloused by the applause we’re giving this badassery. Captain Marvel is too busy saving the universe and has zero fucks to give to sexist trolls.
— MarvelThaiFan︽✵︽ (@Marvel_TH) September 20, 2018