Ads can be fun, but also forgettable. Something has to touch the right nerve for us to remember them forever. Like, Tata Tea’s ‘Jaago Re‘ ad campaign. Now, that is unforgettable. The loaded satire and commentary that prompted people to take action had an impact beyond getting people to buy their tea. It was something more profound.
Remember it?
Ads become even more exciting when they take a dig at people, at society, or well…their competitors. Where Tata’s campaign was a dig at society, many rival brands have been trolling each other, and some of these have been so crazy we laughed out loud.
1. Times of India tried trolling The Hindu; only the latter retaliated harder
Hands down! The Hindu won this, and it’s not up for debate. The Times of India started this feud when they suggested multiple people were sleeping while reading a boring newspaper that was The Hindu. In response, The Hindu did a vox pop asking random people questions. All of them were able to answer frivolous questions but nothing of substance, and general knowledge. When they were asked about what newspaper they read, they mumbled The Times of India, only all we heard was a BEEP and lip-read what they said.
2. The billboard battle between Audi and BMW
Once a billboard battle took place between Audi and BMW. It started with Audi when they put out a billboard in a wealthy neighborhood in LA, provoking BMW with, “Your Move, BMW”.

In response, BMW strategically placed its own billboard across the street with one-word response that was both powerful and compelling. It said, “Checkmate”.

3. When a Pepsi ad used Coca Cola cans for foot support
The two cola brands have had a rivalry since the beginning. One of the most hilarious ads, however, was when Pepsi took a dig at Coca Cola showcasing a child at a vending machine who purchased two Coca-Cola cans only to use them as a foot support to press the Pepsi button and drink Pepsi leaving the two Coke cans behind.
4. Samsung’s endless trolling of Apple
Now, Samsung has often taken a dig at Apple but the most hilarious one was when the brand released ads urging users to Upgrade to Galaxy. How? Well, by trolling iPhone. It showed a series of customers visiting a mobile store and an Apple Executive approached them, only he wasn’t able to solve their queries and didn’t have a good enough explanation as to why the iPhone was better.
5. When Burger King trolled McDonald’s with a major plot twist
This 1.2-minute-long ad is like a small dramatic movie. Initially, it looks like it’s MCD trolling Burger King only everything changes by the end and you realise it’s the latter trolling MCD for being everywhere. You see, because MCD boasts of higher accessibility, Burger King was actually thanking McDonald’s for keeping their customers occupied while they make that extra long journey to reach their stores. Now, isn’t this epic?
Brands trolling brands should happen more often. It makes for really entertaining ads, and who knows years later somebody writes an article celebrating those antics! *gigglesinselfawareness