Bollywood’s adaptation of The Fault In Our Stars is finally out and has become a fan favourite already. Dil Bechara is the first time the Indian film industry has made a film after a John Green book but we are hoping it isn’t the last time. 

Here is a list of movie and TV adaptations from John Green novels that we think Bollywood should pick up next:

1. Paper Towns

This adorable novel was adapted into a film in 2015 starring Nat Wolff and Cara Delevingne in lead roles. We’d love to watch someone in Bollywood capture the eccentricity of Margo. 

2. Looking For Alaska

Hulu adapted this novel into an 8-part miniseries and the reviews were quite impressive. While Kristine Froseth played a great Alaska, we can definitely see a budding Bollywood actor playing the role. And maybe even get a desi web series out of it. 


3. Turtles All The Way Down

A honest take on OCD and anxiety, this novel is being adapted into a film directed by actor Hannah Marks. The announcement was made in January 2019 and we can’t wait to know more. 

Penguin Teen

4. Let It Snow

A Netflix film based on this novel by Maureen Johnson, John Green, and Lauren Myracle released in November, 2019. And this cute and sweet Christmas movie would make for a great holiday adaptation in Bollywood. 


Which movie would you like to see first?