While the rest of the country was busy celebrating India’s glorious win against Pakistan in the recent ICC World T20 match, there were people who were more interested in the celebrities cheering for the players, in the stands. One such troll, @mainbhiengineer decided to tweet to Abhishek Bachchan and called him the ‘least known celebrity’ at the stadium.
But he did not realize that Junior Bachchan is not someone who tolerates trolls on Twitter. Last October, Bachchan took down comedian Karan Talwar when he joked about the former’s career and this time too, Abhishek was quick to respond to the tweet.
This is how it began:
Looks like @mainbhiengineer has spent a lot of money on Bachchan’s films in the past so when he replied, the argument heated up a little.
And it went on.
Now we know why this guy was so pissed. He’s still upset over Drona!
Bachchan might not be in action in Bollywood these days, he sure knows how to shut ’em trolls on Twitter!
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