Within the span of five days, two of the most iconic leading ladies of 90s Bollywood have tied the knot. After Preity Zinta, Urmila Matondkar got married to Mir Mohsin Akhtar in a private ceremony this afternoon. Akhtar is a Kashmir-based businessman and a model. 


The wedding was a super low-key affair, with no one from Bollywood in attendance, except for Urmila’s (and almost every other actor’s) BFF Manish Malhotra (who also perhaps designed her lehenga?). She told DNA, “We kept it an exclusive wedding with just family and friends at the celebration. Since our families wanted the wedding to be a low-key affair, we mutually decided to keep it private. We seek your blessings on embarking this new journey of our lives.”

With so many actors from 90s Bollywood settling down one after the other, 2016 feels like the end of an era. Regardless, congratulations to the happy couple!