The 2018 film, Bhonsle starring Manoj Bajpayee as Ganpath Bhonsle, a retired cop in Mumbai trying to protect two North Indian kids. The film, after being screened at several film festivals, just premiered on SonyLIV and has created quite a stir.
Manoj Bajpayee’s acting is being applauded by Twitter, as well as the poignant portrayal of Mumbai. So if you haven’t watched the film yet, here are tweets you should read before you do.
All elements of Mumbai, so naturally captured! Loving Bhonsle On SonyLIV
— Ravi Rana (@raviranabjp) June 26, 2020
#DevashishMakhija makes films with his guts and sees to it
— Leena Manimekalai (@LeenaManimekali) June 26, 2020
spilling over you, with all the force and anger. His #Bhonsle that champions the cause of migrant workers opened worldwide today in @SonyLIV. Congrats to the team and @GoldenRatiofilmssg. Wish you all the success✌️
If you’re a @BajpayeeManoj fan, you gotta watch his award-winning performance in Bhonsle On SonyLIV
— Kaushik Baruah (KB) (@iKaushikBaruah) June 26, 2020
Just watched #Bhonsle on #SonyLIV it’s a slow pace film but never at any point does it feel boring, @BajpayeeManoj manages to keep you deeply invested. A Spectacular Masterpiece!
— Suhas Jaiswal (@SuhasJaiswal2) June 26, 2020
Bhonsle On SonyLIV is a slow, striking film. Director Devashish Makhija takes deliberate care and precision to set the mood of the film with each shot, emphasising the depressing desolation of Bhonsle’s life, the desperation in Vilas’ and the fear in Sita and Lalu’s.@SonyLIV
— Parth (@kapilianJB) June 26, 2020
Just watched Bhonsle On SonyLIV and I must say, @BajpayeeManoj as Bhonsle kaka is absolutely brilliant!!
— Aishwary (@AishwaryVerma9) June 26, 2020
What a magnificent restrained performance by @BajpayeeManoj #Bhonsle is about standing up to the bully without losing your dignity. It’s visceral & in your face. Outstanding performances @SantoshJuvekar #IpshitaChakraborty #ViratVaibhav Congrats #DevashishMakhija 👏🏾❤️🤗
— Danish Husain । دانش حُسین । दानिश हुसैन (@DanHusain) June 26, 2020
About migration,dreams, mistakes,hope and about one battle for humanity. Bhonsle On SonyLIV is about all this & so much more! Loved @BajpayeeManoj
— Dr. Safin (@HasanSafin) June 26, 2020
@BajpayeeManoj acted so natural yet so so incredible in BHONSLE on sonyliv
— Tripti Arya (@triptiarya03) June 26, 2020
Mumbai ki kahani ❤
Just watched out #bhonsle a very very very extraordinary performence by sir @BajpayeeManoj ……….He is the best and ever always and every I see him on screen there is a new type of hype …….also a outstanding performance by @nowitsabhi
— Nisarg (@Nisarg__99) June 26, 2020
A movie which shows Mumbai as transparently as possible! Bhonsle On SonyLIV is unmissable!!
— Nikhil 🏏 (@CricCrazyNIKS) June 26, 2020
A movie which shows Mumbai as transparently as possible! Bhonsle On SonyLIV is unmissable!!
— Nikhil 🏏 (@CricCrazyNIKS) June 26, 2020
Honestly saying, watching @BajpayeeManoj performing is a blessing in this era. Many other not so media famous artists as well. He is in Bhonsle On SonyLIV. Worth watching I guess.
— Frontline Bengal (@TheBongHead) June 26, 2020
Watch the trailer of the film here:
It’s time to add another great film to your watch list!