Free online courses are a gift to the world. I mean, they’re the answer to all of those times our parents told us to use the internet for better things. So, we’ve curated a list of free courses that are being offered by IIT, so that you can up-skill yourself and put that brain to good use. Take a look:

1. Introduction To Machine Learning – IIT Kharagpur
This course will cover supervised learning algorithms including linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, k-nearest neighbour, an introduction to Bayesian learning and the naïve Bayes algorithm, support vector machines and kernels and neural networks with an introduction to Deep Learning.
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2. Introduction To Polymer Physics- IIT Guwahati
This introductory course will discuss the models for ideal polymer chains, and thermodynamics of polymer solutions and blends, focusing on miscibility.
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3. Software Testing – IIT Kharagpur
This course will cover various techniques for test case design, as used for testing of software artifacts including requirements, design and code.
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4. Strength Of Materials – IIT Kharagpur
This course’s aim is to make the students acquainted with the concept of load resultant and consequences and how different kinds of loadings can be withstood by different kinds of members with some specific materials.
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5. Deep Learning – IIT Ropar
In this course we will learn about feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks and attention mechanisms.
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6. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering – IIT Bombay
This course will provide a general overview of the field of Aeronautical Engineering.
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7. Elements Of Mechanical Vibration – IIT Delhi
This course addresses the fundamentals of vibration theory with simple but practical examples while interpreting the outcome of vibration analysis from the context of machinery or structural design.
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9. Introduction to Aircraft Design – IIT Bombay
This course provides students with an understanding of the procedure followed in the conceptual design of an aircraft. It also involves learning how to meet the user-specified design requirements and safety considerations specified by the aircraft certification agencies.
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10. Introduction to airplane performance – IIT Kanpur
This course is an integrated introductory treatment of airplane performance with an element of aircraft design and flight testing.
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11. Aircraft Stability and Control – IIT Kanpur
This course is designed to help in creating a background to design an airplane from stability and control aspects.
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12. Design of fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – IIT Kanpur
This course introduces the initial designing and sizing process for rapidly growing fixed – wing UAV technology.
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13. UAV Design – Part II – IIT Kanpur
UAV Design – Part II introduces the designing and sizing process (Simulation/Experimental) for fixed – wing UAV technology
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14. Introduction to Airbreathing Propulsion – IIT Kanpur
This course will cover an integrated understanding of theory and practice of propulsion. It will also include design, operation, installation and several inspections, repair, and maintenance aspects of aircraft and rocket engines.
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15. Vibration and Structural Dynamics – IIT Kharagpur
The course will consist of four modules, namely, single degree of freedom, multi-degree of freedom, continuous system, and analytical methods. It aims to deliver problem solving capabilities both for industrial problems and academic research.
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16. Space Flight Mechanics – IIT Kharagpur
This course is designed to introduce orbital mechanics of satellite. The course will begin with central force motion and then proceed to the two- body and three-body dynamics under mutual gravitation acceleration.
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17. Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors & Fans – IIT Kharagpur
This course builds upon basics of Thermodynamics, Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Dynamics that students have learnt in previous pre-requisite courses.
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18. Smart Structures – IIT Kharagpur
Smart Structures will cover four different materials such as piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, electro and magneto rheological fluids. The properties of these materials and development of their constitutive relations will also be discussed in the course.
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19. Aeroengine Gas Turbine Cycles – IIT Kharagpur
This course will provide a fundamental understanding of the basics of Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics. It aims to discuss the most recent developments in gas turbine technologies.
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20. Introduction to proteomics – IIT Bombay
This course introduces the basic biology of proteins and the new advanced science called as proteomics which aims to look into the protein properties from a global perspective.
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21. Introduction to Biostatistics – IIT Bombay
This course will discuss tools that can be used for observations in biological laboratory experiments, clinical trials, and health surveys.
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22. Introduction to Mechanobiology – IIT Bombay
Mechanobiology is an upcoming field of science where concepts of mechanics, biology and engineering are combined to understand the basics of different cellular processes.
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23. Introduction to Proteogenomics – IIT Bombay
This course is a part of a workshop by experts in the fields of proteomics and proteogenomics in cancer research from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
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24. Introduction to Dynamical Models in Biology – IIT Guwahati
This course is intended to introduce students of biology to elementary mathematical concepts and tools for dynamical models. It will focus on modelling using ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
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25. Genetic Engineering: Theory and Application, IIT Guwahati
The course will discuss biotechnology, its scope and impact on human life with several customized products.
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26. Experimental Biotechnology – IIT Guwahati
This course will discuss: 1. Basics of Good Lab practices. 2. Understanding different analytical techniques and their applications. 3. Specific Scientific questions and their solutions. 4. Designing new experiments.
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27. Genome Editing and Engineering – IIT Guwahati
The course starts with an understanding of the basic organization and structure of the genome. It then, gives a brief overview on different DNA strand breaks and their repair mechanism.
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28. Functional Genomics – IIT Kanpur
Functional Genomics will provide an overview of the concept of Functional Genomics and contemporary approaches used to understand the genome function.
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29. Animal Physiology – IIT Kanpur
This course will provoke you to think the following: How our body functions?What it is made up of and what are the organizational hierarchy of your body?How its regular function is disrupted and how the body tries to restore its normal functioning?
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30. Cell Culture Technologies – IIT Kanpur
The course will be a short primer to understand how animal cell culture technologies have strengthened the bio-medical research from basic research to the modern drug discovery.
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31. Wild Life Ecology – IIT Kanpur
In this course, we shall look at the processes of Conventional Economics that have led to the destruction of the environment by putting profits above everything, and how we can solve these issues of Conventional Economics with a better understanding of Economics, Green Economics.
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32. Conservation Geography – IIT Kanpur
The course examines these concepts, beginning with the basics of Geography and Conservation, and looking at their interplay through several case studies to help reach conservation-oriented development.
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33. Neurobiology – IIT Kanpur
This course will provide an introduction to the field of neurobiology/neuroscience. We will learn about how individual neurons in the brain function, how they generate electrical activity.
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34. Industrial Biotechnology – IIT Kharagpur
Industrial Biotechnology aims to provide fundamental insights to exploit enzymes and microbes for the manufacturing of products which have a huge industrial significance.
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35. Environmental Biotechnology – IIT Kharagpur
The Environmental Biotechnology course aims to introduce and elaborate the fundamental concepts and applications of biotechnology in all aspects of environment.
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36. Fundamentals of Protein Chemistry – IIT Kharagpur
The course provides an in-depth study into protein structure and function. It’ll start with building up from an understanding of amino acids and the peptide bond that form the basics of protein structure.
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37. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging Systems – IIT Madras
This course attempts to provide an introduction to the different commonly-used medical imaging systems.
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38. Next Generation Sequencing Technologies : Data Analysis And Applications, IIT Kharagpur
This course will describe the step-by-step process to analyze the data generated by NGS platforms along with relevant hands-on experience.
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39. Computational Neuroscience – IIT Kharagpur
The course will include topics starting with the very basics of quantifying neuronal activity and modeling spiking by single neurons. Next the course dwells upon the general approaches used to understand representation of information by neurons and how such information may be readout for practical applications.
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40. Electrophysiology Of Heart – IIT Kharagpur
The course will help one to identify cardiac arrhythmias and understand the role of autonomic regulation of heart. Special attention is given to the core competencies like blood pressure measurement, ECG tracing, autonomic function testing.
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41. Principles Of Downstream Techniques In Bioprocess – IIT Madras
This course will be useful for UG/PG students in biotechnology/chemical engineering as well as practicing bioprocess and chemical engineers.
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42. Bioreactors – IIT Madras
This course, bioreactors, will consider the heart of any bioprocess. It will present all aspects that are relevant for an appreciation of all relevant aspects of bioreactors.
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43. Computer Aided Drug Design – IIT Madras
The course will cover structure and target based design, molecular modelling, quantum mechanics, drug likeness properties, QSAR and pharmacokinetic and dynamics using several softwares that are freely available.
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44. Plant Cell Bioprocessing – IIT Madras
This course is expected to introduce the student to identify the industrial applications of Plant Cell/Tissue Culture Technology. The student will be able to develop plant cell/tissue culture based bioprocesses for large scale in vitro production of high value phytochemicals.
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45. Tissue engineering – IIT Madras
The course will provide an understanding of the applications of engineering and life science principles in the field of tissue engineering.
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46. Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems – IIT Madras
This course aims to fill the need for a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of biological systems in the continuum regime, in the context of transport (forces and fluxes).
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47. Introduction to Developmental Biology – IIT Madras
The proposed course titled as Introduction to Developmental Biology aims to provide a thorough grounding on the fundamental concepts of developmental biology and introduce the students to early embryonic development.
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48. Medical Image Analysis – IIT Madras
This course deals with automated analysis of diagnostic medical images, namely X-rays, CT and MRI scans. It will start with some basic material on how to visualize medical images and how to interpret the resolution of medical images correctly in addition to standard techniques for image processing.
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48. Organ Printing – IIT Hyderabad
Organ Printing will discuss the fundamental of 3D Bioprinting, process parameters, bioinks used to organ-specific strategies for tissue printing. Moreover, the applications of this technology will be described with examples from recent literatures and reports.
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50. Biomedical nanotechnology – IIT Roorkee
Biomedical nanotechnology is a rapidly developing field, which includes a diverse collection of disciplines. So, the objective of this course is to impart knowledge on biomedical applications of nanotechnology.
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So, are you ready to dive into these courses?