Created by a 29-year-old guy who has found the funniest way to answer many major questions like, where did that lost sock go, when was the last time you slept, and also what you feel like after practicing Yoga for ten minutes straight. The creator, an architect, has been doodling for as long as he can remember. The inspiration he drew was from works like Sarah Scribbles, Owlturd, and Poorly Drawn Lines, and the ideas – they come from the people he’s surrounded himself with; they’re funny he claims and we believe because the comics give some real life tickles.

Presenting, Fun Fact Comics. Take a look!

1. Inner conversations, that always stay inside.

2. The time you go through the archive of humiliations. Been there.

3. Role reversal much?

4. Google is a lifesaver. Or not.

5.  The seat-portal to a parallel universe.

6. Getting priorities right like.

7. Kids are scary. Really.

8. Waking up to ‘Is this real or was that?’

9. “You were more of a response to ‘so when we gonna hold your baby’.”

10. Oh, the liabilities being a favourite brings.

11. Productivity in a 9-5 world.

12. I know I’m awesome till you put me on display. So.

13. When plans fire back. Bad.

14. When realisation of the mundane hits. Hard.

15. Speaking of clingy, co-dependent, relationships.

So funny, so on point, and about so many days of our lives.

All Images sourced from: Instagram/Fun Fact Comics