Mumbai-based 24 year old Kalyani Nerurkar is not only a copywriter, but also a doodle genius. When she first decided to doodle Coldplay’s ‘The Scientist’ a year ago in a bid to put emotion to paper, little did she know it would soon turn into an acclaimed project. Once her first illustration pooled in positive reviews on social media, Nerurkar decided to continue her ongoing doodle project, Doodle Riot.

Here are 11 epic doodles of Coldplay song lyrics by Kalyani Nerurkar that are spectacular, to say the least.

‘Violet Hill’



‘The Scientist’


‘Fix You’



‘Us Against The World’

‘Always In My Head’

‘True Love’

b’Source:xc2xa0Kalyani Nerurkar’

Follow Kalyani Nerurkar on Instagram and check out more of her doodles on Engrave.

Which one’s your favourite?