The only problem is, the company that makes Chrontella, is Canadian. And a jar sells for around $23, that too in select dispensaries. Pretty sure importing it is out of the question. At least for now.
Saying that a lot of people all over the world are obsessed with Nutella, would be an understatement.

And you can say the same about marijuana.

It was only a matter of time before someone figured out a way to combine the two. Ladies and gents, THIS EXISTS!

Yes, it’s marijuana-infused Nutella and they’re calling it Chrontella.
You can spread it on cake…

Or bake it into muffins.

And you can even make your ice-cream experience a little groovier.

They even make marijuana-infused peanut butter…

And even weed-flavoured jam!

Dear Patanjali, are you listening?
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