Jacinda Ardern, former New Zealand Prime Minister and a global icon, had announced in January that she would be stepping down from her duties. She had said that she no longer had “enough in the tank”. And now, in her final speech to the parliament, Ardern addressed people who wish to lead, but doubt themselves.

Jacinda Ardern addresses the Parliament
Sun Daily

She said that she always thought that leading and taking up the nation’s top job would require her to change. But she never did. Jacinda Ardern has always been known for her empathy, and qualities that are considered unconventional in politics. She added in her speech, that she’s a hugger and a crier, which she didn’t stop being.


Ardern also shared that someone sensitive, anxious or anything and anyone that people consider ‘weak’ can be in her place, and lead. In many ways, she revolutionized the idea of being a politician. And she did that while bringing important change in her nation.

Former Prime Minister

Jacinda Ardern’s term was proof that women can do whatever they put their mind to. And it was almost a slap in the face of people who think otherwise. She finally added that she leaves this place as sensitive as she was. This speech was not only emotional, but also normalized empathy in politics – which is exactly what we need today.

Final Speech

So powerful!